Well, it's the middle of August, and school starts up again here in a couple weeks. I can't wait! Unfortunately, my Lyme has decided to slow me down a bit. I'm sleeping about twelve hours every day, I'm not moving so well, and my fatigue is back. Whether it's just Lyme or Babesia, I don't really care. It sucks either way.
The funny thing is-- I don't really care. Maybe I should and maybe I shouldn't, but I'm really quite happy. I'm miserable and happy at the same time. Weird, I know, but I feel like with the more miserable I am, the more I turn to God, and that's what I need more than anything right now. I'm kinda happy that I have Lyme and PCOS and thyroid issues and gluten issues... it gives me something to offer up to God, and I feel better then. It's so crazy to be miserably happy, but I am!!!!